" Aims and Objectives "
The broad objectives for which the society is established are :
- To establish, maintain and run scholarships and render other kind of aid to students including supply of books, race creed or sex.
- To establish, run support and grand aid or other financial assistance to schools, colleges, libraries, reading rooms, universities and other institutions of the like nature in India for use of the students and the staff and also for the development and advancement of education and diffusion of knowledge among the public in general.
- To establish and /or conduct dispensary or medical clinics after seeking admission from the Competent Authority.
- To establish, and /or conducts schools college or other institution for imparting any type of education after seeking permission from the Competent Authority.
- To establish, and /or conducts any institutions for carrying on any activities toward advancement of act, science sports and management like music, dance, drama, literature, yoga, zym, Aerobics Centre etc.
- To establish and/or conduct libraries, home for destitute, women and children.
- To equip all such institutions, hospitals, schools, colleges and homes with all necessary paraphernalia sophisticated gadgets and all other things required.
- To establish, maintain or grant aid to homes for the aged, orphanages or other establishments for the relief and help to poor needy and destitute people, orphans widows and aged persons.
- To grand and or render assistance to other public charitable trusts or institutions.
- To grand and or render, assistance to persons affected by calamity such as earthquake, ire flood, riots or accident.
- To provide food, clothing give donation to poor, orphans, windows and destitute persons as to arrange marriages or orphans or daughters of widows.
- To give free education and provide necessary facilities and also to arrange games and compensation for the children.
- To acquire the land for the Govt./Semi-Govt./Association/Institutions or any local body for Trust in the name of Society and where in India and / or to establish any other related institution.
- To accept the donation from General Public, Institution Societies, Bank Trust etc. for the advancement and promotion of the objects of the society.
- To publish books newsletters, papers and pamphlets on the welfare of the people without discriminating case and creeds.